June 18, 2010 – We’re moving beyond every page on the web needing to file into taxonomy and every piece of online content being indexed and ranked. This new phase of web discovery may alter our online behavior and the underlying Internet landscape like never before.

At least that is what Kevin Barenblat, Cofounder and CEO, Context Optional revealed in Forbes.com’s Discussion of the Week  when asked “Why should marketers push search advertising to the side and focus on word of mouth marketing?”

Barenblat believes that Facebook and Twitter have fundamentally changed the way that he approaches each day. By just logging in, his friends and contacts share what they think is important in the world and tags things they feel he should know about. This is all brought to him by conversation, not a search engine or taxonomy.

“I’m no longer leaning forward into the Web, searching for specific bits of information, but instead leaning back and absorbing the Web through a personalized stream of information.”

The convenience of having news brought to you is certainly nice, but what are we missing by not looking ourselves?

Melody K. Smith

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