April 1, 2011 – Security issues and cyber theft continue to grow in complexity as technology itself advances. Standard metrics and measurements are essential when assessing IT resilience.

Computing brought this applicable topic to our attention in their article, “Fight against cyber crime hampered by lack of global standards.” According to the report released by The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) entitled Main challenges and recommendations on network and service resilience metrics, the writers argue that there are few frameworks that allow an IT manager to assess IT resilience or compare it with its peers, and that there is currently no globally accepted framework. The different baseline metrics used by different organizations compound the challenge.

This leaves companies and public-sector bodies without full knowledge of how well equipped they are against cyber crime and other security issues. Therefore the report makes a case for standard metrics that would include taxonomy, description and impact factors.

Standards among taxonomies is something Access Innovations can get behind. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies. 

Melody K. Smith

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