Invention Machine is making available Invention Machine Goldfire 6.6, the company’s innovation intelligence platform. The latest release features enhancements that help companies build and foster a collaborative culture for accelerating innovative products and services to market.

We found this news on MarketWire in their article, “Invention Machine Advances Collaborative Innovation With Latest Software Release.” Goldfire 6.6 includes several feature enhancements that will please knowledge workers, managers, and/or executives involved in new product development and introduction processes. Included in those features are one-click semantic search, scheduled research email notifications, and access to additional, relevant scientific, engineering, and industry data sources.

Goldfire 6.6 connects users to useful content to help build product innovation. New for this release is connectivity to MIT DSpace, a collection containing more than 940,000 scholarly articles from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; FSTA Direct, the world’s leading database of information covering food science, food technology and nutrition from the International Food Information Service (IFIS); and the SPIE Digital Library, a collection containing more than 313,000 research papers, scholarly journals, and eBooks from SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.

Melody K. Smith

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