Medical search engine and database tools aren’t all equal. Depending on your needs, a clinician could gain access to dynamic data to diagnose and treat patients must faster than ever before. One of these options is ClinicalKey, which is now in beta testing.

We found this interesting information on Information Week Healthcare in their article, “Medical Search Engine Shootout: ClinicalKey Vs. UpToDate.” Like Wolters Kluwer’s well-known search engine UpToDate, it houses a huge collection of resources. ClinicalKey taps into Elsevier’s impressive medical library, offering full-text access to over 400 of its journals, 700 books, and 2,500 procedural videos. However, it has an advantage with the “smart content feature,” an exhaustive collection of medical taxonomy tags that provides end users with more than the traditional predictive search capabilities.

Melody K. Smith

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