2013 was all about the clouds – making the most of storage and sharing, searching and finding, access and metadata trails. Metadata rose to the top of any most talked about word cloud due to Edward Snowden and the NSA. Metadata is all the information that surrounds a file, including the filename, when it was uploaded, who it was shared with, and when it was accessed. The NSA’s metadata collection program proves that such information can be extremely valuable. The Huffington Post brought this interesting information to our attention in their article, “Five Ways the Cloud Will Change Your Professional Life in 2014.”

The volume of data we create and need to find storage for continues to grow exponentially with each passing day. Cloud storage seems to be the proverbial balm of Gilead. We no longer have to watch the volume of data we create, as the sky is the limit.

What has the cloud done for you in 2013? What do you expect in 2014?

Melody K. Smith

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