Scrabble fans, rejoice. Five thousand words have been added to “The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary,” released on August 11 from Merriam-Webster. The Register-Guard brought this exciting news to us in their article, “Scrabble dictionary update delivers players 5,000 new words.”

This comes after a decade of waiting for new additions. Entries in the book include texter, vlog, bromance, hashtag, dubstep, and selfie. However, the real gems come with the addition of te and three other two-letter words — da, gi and po. Just imagine the possibilities of paralleling words together with these additions.

To be included in the 36-year-old book in its fifth edition, a word must be found in a standard dictionary, can’t require capitalization, can’t have hyphens or apostrophes, and can’t be an abbreviation, in addition to being two to eight letters. Spell on, my friends, spell on.

Melody K. Smith

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