Every year, additional words and phrases are added to our dictionaries. Many of them are technology-driven, as evidenced by hashtag, selfie, and big data, which were all added to the Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary in 2014. Among the many new terms added, four specifically fall into the aforementioned technology group. This interesting information came from Business 2 Community in their article, “What’s the Word? New Additions to the Digital Marketing Glossary.”

  • Geotargeting is used to determine where visitors are located on the map in order to deliver relevant content to them.
  • Native advertising is a type of promotion in which the content matches the form of the platform on which it appears.
  • Newsjacking is defined as taking advantage of a breaking story by piggybacking onto it in the hopes of gaining attention of the media or the general public.
  • Social selling is all about developing relationships with prospects through social media – along with many other channels – in order to engage them.

Melody K. Smith

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