The rapid growth of digital information has been discussed here many times. It has spawned many interesting and creative approaches to information analyzing, indexing, retrieval, and findability. Access Innovations has been acutely aware of the needs for quite some time and works to provide comprehensive solutions for its clients. This interesting topic came from Research Information in their article, “From documents to data.”

The world we live in, where millions and billions of documents are searched in a matter of minutes with a simple keyword search, has produced many approaches to managing the data. One approach that has gained a lot of interest is semantic enrichment, the enrichment of content with additional semantic metadata to enable greater understanding of content by machines.

The author of this article reached out to our own Bob Kasenchak, head of product development at Access Innovations, for more information about semantic enrichment. The article outlines the challenges facing data professionals seeking to manage digital resources and is worth your time to read. The situation is becoming more complex and, in many ways, more advanced. New techniques for semantic enrichment are a response to the needs created by these changes.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Data Harmony, a unit of Access Innovations, the world leader in indexing and making content findable.