IBM recently introduced new data discovery and question-and-answer capabilities for Watson Analytics to make it even easier for users to extract insights from their data. DATAVERSITY brought this interesting information to us in their article, “IBM Expands Data Discovery and Q&A Power of Watson Analytics.”

A half million users registered for this service since its introduction less than a year ago. This demonstrates the excitement and need of the business user to have the additional analytical capabilities at their fingertips.

Content analytics has reached new levels of reliable information extraction at high content volumes. By eliminating the complexity of a solutions-based approach, customers have greater findability and better results. It is so very important to choose a product that makes your content findable – easily and thoroughly. Access Innovations is one of a very small number of companies able to help its clients generate ANSI/ISO/W3C-compliant taxonomies and associated rule bases for machine-assisted indexing.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in taxonomies, metadata, and semantic enrichment to make your content findable.