A recent survey conducted by ALM to uncover trends in legal records scanning revealed some interesting practices. Business Wire brought this news to us in their article, “Omtool Survey Reveals That 69% of Law Firms Are Actively Digitizing Client Records But Only 35% Have Tackled Records Room Scanning.”

The good news? The survey’s findings showed that 69% of firms were already scanning at least some records. However, only 35% of them were scanning both current and historical records. This means that 65% of respondents have yet to completely digitize the records room.

With more than 100 people responding to the survey including law firm attorneys and records management/IT professionals, 86% were involved with records management as decision makers or influencers of practice.

Any organization that uses information and generates records must have a process for preserving them for future access. Archives should have a consistent and coherent approach to managing access, preservation and storage and to defend the integrity of the original records from alteration.

Melody K. Smith

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