The Special Libraries Association (SLA) seeks to prepare taxonomists for more advanced implementations. One way they are doing that at this year’s conference is to feature a few professionals to share their real-life experiences in an interactive presentation and discussion format. It is called the Taxonomy Cafe.

In the first section of this course, presenters will give 30-minute case studies of taxonomy implementations. They will cover how and why their organizations decided to implement taxonomies, their approaches to implementation, lessons learned, and current status.

After the break, the presenters will be available for small group discussions and Q&A with participants, who will move around to the speaker tables to interact directly with them.

jabinwhiteOne of the presenters is Jabin White from ITHAKA. White is Vice President of Content Management for an organization committed to helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways.

White has spent most of his career evangelizing the benefits of markup languages and related technologies, including content management, workflow enhancements, and authoring tools.

Prior to joining ITHAKA, White served as Director of Strategic Content at Wolters Kluwer Health’s Professional & Education (P&E) Division, Vice President, STM Sales for Scope eKnowledge Center, and VP of Product Development at Silverchair, Inc.

All presenters will be available all day for direct one-on-one interactions. This allows participants to speak directly with experts and gain in-depth understanding of the concepts, methods, implementations and options available for their own use. Register here.

Melody K. Smith

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