Cognitive computing is slowly becoming part of mainstream business culture since IBM’s introduction to Watson in 2011. The computing system built to compete against humans on the popular game show, Jeopardy! inspired many companies to begin research and ultimately investments into the technology. DATAVERSITY brought this news to our attention in their article, “Cognitive Computing: The Hype, the Reality.”

In their presentation, Beyond the Hype: Cognitive Computing and Your Business, Your Job, Your Life, Sue Feldman and Hadley Reynolds outlined the pros and cons associated with this technology. Feldman and Reynolds are the co-founders of the Cognitive Computing Consortium.

According to Feldman and Reynolds, cognitive computing has an impact on our jobs, our devices, our personal lives, and the even economy as a whole. Cognitive computing is now widely used in healthcare to help better diagnose and treat patients with cancer, HIV and other acute diseases.

Cognitive computing has the potential to bring about benefits in every type of business and in society. As it becomes more common and progresses further into the future, more advantages, and of course, challenges will undoubtedly evolve.

Melody K. Smith

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