The University of Buffalo and the Chicago-based Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII) are working together to implement a project designed to create and test work flow innovations using a standard vocabulary and set of categories, forming a suite of ontologies, to support digital manufacturing for a local technology and services innovator. This interesting news came from the University of Buffalo’s release titled, “UB receives major grant to support ontology-based research in digital manufacturing.”

The project is known as the Coordinated Holistic Alignment of Manufacturing Processes (CHAMP). It will coordinate the production processes and the data created in the course of operations at Cobham Industries, an Orchard Park company working in the aeronautical engineering field.

Ontology is a discipline that is usually devoted to exploring possible worlds or abstract questions of being and causality; but ontology is also concerned with quite practical questions of how one category of entities is related to another.

Standardizing the language of industry and its disparate components is a massive undertaking that can have costly consequences if done incorrectly or incompletely.

Melody K. Smith

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