The idea of drones delivering packages, groceries, or even pizza seems too far out there for the average consumer; something you see on the news as “soon to come” but never really materializes. This interesting information came to us from The Merkle in their article, “Drone Data – The Digital Oil Rush.”

What is easily overlooked is the fact that delivery drones will do far more than just deliver goods; they’ll be collecting data too.

As the drone flies from the warehouse to its destination, it has a lot of things that need to be coordinated to make this flight successful. For starters, it needs all of its avionics to be properly calibrated and stay hyper vigilant to any potential problems on board the craft during the flight.

It also needs to be in constant contact with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and other drones around it to ensure a mid-air collision with another drone, a radio tower, or a manned craft doesn’t take place.

The value of this data is not lost on those working to make this technology and engineering possible.

Melody K. Smith

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