The volume of data being created today is overwhelming, but wait, its even scarier. It is expected to increase ten-fold in less than a decade. Network World brought this information to us in their article, “Not all information is created equal: Unlocking the huge potential of smart data.”

While the amount of data may be growing in what feels like manic speed, the intelligence coming from it isn’t keeping up that pace. The amount of unstructured data being delivered at such speed and variety of sources is virtually impossible to gain any insight from. The value of the data is getting lost amidst the sheer volume of noise.

With the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology in both consumer and enterprise markets, the flow of data bouncing around the connected world is unimaginable. How do you know what value the data holds if you can’t even ascertain its attributes?

There is smart data in there, if you can find it. The “wire data”can be utilized to generate smart data, but it must be properly processed to distill the most meaningful intelligence. Once the intelligence has been extracted from the wire data, it can be compressed into much smaller and meaningful metadata.

Melody K. Smith

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