
Raising a Glass to Rich and Complicated Words

By |December 29th, 2014|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy, Term lists|Comments Off on Raising a Glass to Rich and Complicated Words

As we anticipate the approaching new Gregorian year, those of us who are taxonomists are looking forward with renewed anticipation to the taxonomic challenges that certain kinds of words bring. Take “glass”, for example. “Glass” is one of those words that contain an abundance of possible meanings. Ironically, this poses the potential for ambiguity. What makes this particular situation even more ironic is that this ambiguity clouds the very clarity that the word often symbolizes. Ambiguous words are tricky to work with in constructing and developing taxonomies and thesauri. Moreover, they make the writing of effective indexing rules challenging. Taking care in the crafting of those rules becomes all the more important, because of the need for disambiguation.

The Gift of SMEs

By |December 15th, 2014|Access Insights, Featured, reference|Comments Off on The Gift of SMEs

A typical thesaurus construction project for a scholarly publisher, policy clearinghouse, medical institution, or any other client with a technical vocabulary involves the input of a number of stakeholders.

The Meaning of the Words

By |December 3rd, 2014|News|Comments Off on The Meaning of the Words

Though the word synonym means a word with the same or similar meaning as another word, the choice of a word can drastically alter the meaning and the interpretation of any communication.

The Perfect Gift

By |November 26th, 2014|indexing, News, reference|Comments Off on The Perfect Gift

Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? The book, Cultural Heritage Ethics: Between Theory and Practice, would be very relevant to the development of cultural and historical taxonomies and thesauri. The way the terms are chosen and organized can have a strong effect on people's perception of cultures and historical events. So for the history buff or word geek on your shopping list, this might just be what you, or they, need.

Access Innovations Delivers Thesaurus for AAAS

By |November 17th, 2014|Access Insights, Featured|Comments Off on Access Innovations Delivers Thesaurus for AAAS

Access Innovations, Inc. is pleased to announce the delivery of an extensive thesaurus for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Preserving Language in Thesauri

By |November 12th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Preserving Language in Thesauri

New thesaursi seem to appear every day. The latest is unique for a variety of reasons. A new online thesaurus for Gaelic speakers interested in the historical environment has been created, with more than 4,000 terms included. This comes as part of the effort to promote Gaelic in as many areas of Scottish life as possible.

Shorten It

By |November 11th, 2014|News|Comments Off on Shorten It

Do you find consolidating your thoughts into 140 characters or less a challenge? How can you intelligently get across a complex thought in just 140 characters without needing to use ugly and often illegible abbreviations?

Feline in the Fedora

By |October 28th, 2014|News, Term lists|Comments Off on Feline in the Fedora

We all know Roget as the word man, but he clearly was one brilliant man who loved all sorts of things, words among them. Jen Bryant and Melissa Sweet captured that in their latest release, The Right Word: Roget and His Thesaurus. The authors approach presents Roget’s lifelong passion for word lists as well as much more.