Explainable AI

Digging Deeper Into Taxonomies

By |May 29th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Digging Deeper Into Taxonomies

Understanding taxonomies and how they are used can be challenging, depending on the context and audience. The Accidental Taxonomist brought this interesting topic to […]

Trusting the Data

By |May 26th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Trusting the Data

Data is swiftly overtaking physical assets in terms of value to organizations. Keeping data safe, private, consistent, and of high quality is as important […]

Understanding the Present for the Future

By |May 24th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Understanding the Present for the Future

Everyone wants to predict the future. Forecasting market developments and customer needs is as close as we might get. It is also an essential […]

Growing Edge

By |May 22nd, 2023|News|Comments Off on Growing Edge

Every day, the news highlights how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are changing businesses operations, improving education, and impacting personal […]

Can Blockchain Bring About Explainable AI?

By |May 18th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Can Blockchain Bring About Explainable AI?

The key advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) is its ability to simulate human reasoning and react quickly to large volumes of many different inputs. […]

Embracing Predictive Analytics

By |May 18th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Embracing Predictive Analytics

Festo recently announced a new artificial intelligence (AI) platform for predictive maintenance, predictive quality, and energy optimization. Using advanced analytics, Festo AX maps data […]

Machine Learning is in the Advertising Business

By |May 16th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Machine Learning is in the Advertising Business

The advertising industry has evolved considerably in the past century. Now diversified and modernized, the mid-century Madison Avenue advertising ecosystems are disappearing. What caused […]

New Opportunities, Not New Tech

By |May 15th, 2023|News|Comments Off on New Opportunities, Not New Tech

ChatGPT has caused handwringing, worry, and speculation on how the world of publishing will be forever changed by this artificial intelligence (AI) application. Ironically, […]

Emerging Tech Family

By |May 12th, 2023|News|Comments Off on Emerging Tech Family

Artificial intelligence (AI) brings with it the possibility of genuine human-to-machine interaction. When machines become intelligent, they can understand requests, connect data points, and […]

AI and the Financial World

By |May 12th, 2023|News|Comments Off on AI and the Financial World

Many economists haven’t embraced artificial intelligence (AI) technology because the predictive algorithms can’t answer questions about correlation and causation yet. The Economic Times brought […]