Preserved Until When
Records management up to this point has been straightforward - preserve certain categories of paper records for time periods according to a retention schedule determined by applicable legal rules.
Not that long ago, getting published was the big hurdle for a writer to overcome. You could produce all you wanted, but unless you knew how to get somebody to read your random submission, or you were rich enough to self-publish, your writing lived in a drawer, waiting for you to give it to a friend who doesn’t want to read it. It’s hard to believe how fast technology has opened publishing up to people. Now, anyone with an opinion has a platform, and while it’s as tough as ever to make a living writing, the platform, in many cases, is totally free. So that changes the hurdle from publication to recognition. If everybody has a voice, how do you get heard?
Research articles are being accepted for the Second International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Information Technology - CCIT 2014 organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (IRED) at University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. This event brings together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum.
In April, a bill was introduced in the U.S. Senate effectively would abolish the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). This organization was established in 1950 to collect scientific and technical reports and provide them to the public and to U.S. Government agencies.
Katy Klettlinger became Licking County’s first records center coordinator in November 2008 to store and preserve public records. The position was one of solitude at first but now oversees three other full-time employees: one reference archivist and two imaging technicians. They preserve public records on paper, in electronic form and on microfilm.
Historic audio and video footage is undergoing cataloguing and indexing as it gets closer to being fully integrated into the Visual History Archive. J. Michael Hagopian’s collection of 400 interviews of Armenian Genocide survivors and witnesses was handed over to the USC Shoah Foundation from the Armenian Film Foundation in an effort to preserve and integrate the collection.