
Machine Learning Used in Drone Functions

By |January 2nd, 2018|News, semantic, Technology|Comments Off on Machine Learning Used in Drone Functions

Machine learning is being utilized in more and more projects. It is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. Over the […]

Data Governance Might Be 2018’s Golden Child

By |January 2nd, 2018|News, storage, Technology|Comments Off on Data Governance Might Be 2018’s Golden Child

2017 brought us new data management technologies, increased focus on artificial intelligence, and many data trends that affected strategic efforts for businesses. What will impact […]

Data Scientists and Business Analysts

By |January 1st, 2018|Access Insights, Business strategy, Featured, Technology|Comments Off on Data Scientists and Business Analysts

Artificial intelligence (AI) and its “cousin” technology, machine learning, find themselves being utilized in a variety of circumstances and organizations. Though they cannot completely […]

The Year Ahead for AI

By |December 28th, 2017|News, Technology|Comments Off on The Year Ahead for AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is just new and evolving enough that it is considered both good and bad. A powerful technology that has many foreseeable […]

The Benefits of Going Digital

By |December 25th, 2017|Business strategy, News, Technology|Comments Off on The Benefits of Going Digital

It is encouraging to see how organizations have embraced the digital workplace. The benefits offered to their employees include more flexibility and a better […]

AI and DAM Systems

By |December 20th, 2017|News, storage, Technology|Comments Off on AI and DAM Systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the latest tool for digital asset management (DAM) vendors. They advertise these tools as complete automation solutions, which free users […]

Net Neutrality and Its Importance to Academia

By |December 18th, 2017|News, Technology|Comments Off on Net Neutrality and Its Importance to Academia

The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has voted to repeal net neutrality rules enacted in 2015 to stop Internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking and tightening control on […]

AI Everywhere

By |December 13th, 2017|News, Technology|Comments Off on AI Everywhere

The typical pattern we see in technological advancement is an increase in performance, cost reduction, and increased public access after a new technology hits […]