
Open Source Project Moves Closer to Completion

By |October 19th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Open Source Project Moves Closer to Completion

The Apache Software Foundation recently announced that Apache Stanbol is moving on up in the project status. Stanbol is an open source Java stack designed to interface with a content management system enhanced with semantic information.

Mobile Upgrade Broadens Horizons

By |October 18th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Mobile Upgrade Broadens Horizons

Are you familiar with T-Mobile’s Genius button? When pushed, it allows you to issue basic voice commands from calling or texting a contact to searching the web or Google Maps. Observers would say it was like Siri, but most users would disagree.

Semantic Search Technology Speeds Up

By |October 11th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Technology Speeds Up

TextWise has made available V1.7 One-Click Findability on's AppExchange. Their semantic search technology enables users to migrate data with a never before known speed.

Semantic Advertising Founder Takes On Next Challenge

By |October 10th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Advertising Founder Takes On Next Challenge

Seven years ago, Peer39 created a new category of semantic advertising. This technology semantically analyzes every web page in order to properly understand and classify the meaning of a web page and then places the most appropriate advertising. Semantic advertising increases the chance that the viewer will click-thru because only advertising relevant to what they are viewing. This technology has changed the world of online advertising. Despite all this, Peer39 was sold earlier this year to Digital Generation.

Semantic Search for Employers

By |October 5th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search for Employers

Monster - the famous job recruiting website - has added new features designed specifically for small to medium-sized employers. This advanced search technology called, SeeMore, allows employers to manage resumes with more efficiency and ultimately hire talent sooner.

Visual Recognition Technology Developed

By |September 28th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Visual Recognition Technology Developed

Researchers at Brown and the Technical University of Berlin have produced a program uses semantic understanding to identify simple sketches of objects almost as well as humans. Police and other law enforcement agencies use a similar technology to identify mug shots, but this technology goes farther by identifying more cartoonish features.

Semantic Search Increases Findability

By |September 27th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Increases Findability

EasyAsk and DollarDays International approached the new school year with a semantic approach. DollarDays have doubled their number of products and increased traffic and memberships to their website. How did they do it? They attribute much of it to the strong and comprehensive semantic search feature found on their website.

Semantic Technology’s Journey

By |September 25th, 2012|News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Semantic Technology’s Journey

Discussions around the Semantic Web are always interesting and intense. Progress on this evolving technology happens each and every day. So understanding what semantic […]

Semantic Search Featured as Trendsetter

By |September 19th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Featured as Trendsetter

Another article from KM World where they are identifying trendsetting products brought this news to our attention. The article, "Trend-Setting Products of 2012: Mindbreeze: Mindbreeze InSite" talks about the challenges of traditional search and how one product is offering a solution.

Retailer Harnesses Semantic Search

By |September 18th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Retailer Harnesses Semantic Search

As odd as it sounds, Walmart has rolled out a new search engine based on semantic search technology. This unlikely pair is working to help users find items on the Walmart website. The results are based on their interests and likely intent.