
Spelling Bee Superstars

By |November 1st, 2013|News, reference, Standards|5 Comments

I have a confession to make. Your content writer is a spelling bee geek. When I was a child, my father would hold spelling bees with my sister and I, and well, I always won. Not to brag, but really to show the benefits of phonetics. My older sister did not go to kindergarten (I have no memory of why), but kindergarten is where phonetics were taught in the 60's. I was taught to sound the words out and that there, my friends, was my secret weapon.

Honoring the Standards and the Standards Makers

By |October 17th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Honoring the Standards and the Standards Makers

There is a National Ice Cream Day, a National Hopscotch Day, and a World Beard Day, so why shouldn't there be a World Standards Day?

Standards for All Sizes

By |September 6th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Standards for All Sizes

The American National Standards Institute's Nanotechnology Standards Panel (ANSI-NSP) has announced the launch of a new database compiling information about nanotechnology-related standards and affiliated activities. This new database is part of a larger project by the ANSI-NSP to increase the visibility of existing and in-progress documents in relation to nanotechnology.

Dedication to Standards Recognized

By |August 15th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Dedication to Standards Recognized

The American National Standards Instittude (ANSI) recently named John Siemon, a leading global network infrastructure specialist, is pleased to announce that John Siemon, CTO and vice president of global operations at Siemon, a recipient of the 2013 Leadership and Service Award.

Seeking Consistency and Standards

By |August 8th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Seeking Consistency and Standards

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) voting members recently approved a new project to develop recommended practices for Packaging and Exchanging Serial Content. Many different organizations, including libraries, archives, indexing services, etc., work better and more efficiently when they exchange and work with digital files that make up serial content. However, these files are in some type of package that isn’t always the same or compatible.

Not Too Late for Nominations

By |June 13th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Not Too Late for Nominations

World Standards Week (WSW) shines a light on those who have made significant contributions to their industry, their nation, and the enhancement of the global standards system. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has issued a call for nominations for its 2013 Leadership and Service Awards, which will be presented in conjunction with WSW. The awards, presented in conjunction with World Standards Week (WSW) 2013.

Handling the Data

By |April 26th, 2013|indexing, News, Standards|Comments Off on Handling the Data

ProQuest has entered into an expanded agreement with publisher Schattauer GmbH to add to the German-language resources discoverable through the Summon service.

Setting the Foundation

By |April 19th, 2013|News, Standards|Comments Off on Setting the Foundation

Social has never been so, well, social. Social search, social media, social enterprise, and now social business. Not everyone may have been on board in the beginning, but now few are ignoring the power of social.