
Your Very Own Taxonomy

By |June 21st, 2016|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Your Very Own Taxonomy

There are many places where taxonomy affects our lives, the least of which is certainly not where you choose to shop, as one couple recently […]

Provenance Based Classification Schemes

By |June 20th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Provenance Based Classification Schemes

Libraries don’t catalog government information like traditional collections. Traditional material is catalogued using a subject based classification system, such as the Dewey Decimal System […]

It’s Summer Reading Time!

By |June 6th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, indexing, Taxonomy|Comments Off on It’s Summer Reading Time!

Summer reading. These two words can instill both excitement and dread at the same time for a youth services librarian. Libraries across the country […]

Organizing Knowledge

By |May 16th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Organizing Knowledge

Humans classify and categorize everything from types of writing instruments to breeds of animals. Marjorie Hlava in her Taxobook states “you could even say […]

Go Baby Go!

By |May 9th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, Term lists|Comments Off on Go Baby Go!

The Kentucky Derby may be the most widely anticipated and discussed two-minute sports event of the year. For folks outside the 30-mile radius of […]

Classification Gets God’s Blessing

By |April 6th, 2016|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Classification Gets God’s Blessing

Taxonomy is about naming and classifying, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised when an article uses biblical scripture such as, “A good name […]


By |April 4th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Achoo!
It is spring time, and if you live in Kentucky, this means more than horse races and bluegrass. It means things are blooming, your […]

Taxonomies Really Are Everywhere

By |March 28th, 2016|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomies Really Are Everywhere

Taxonomy or classification exists in the fields of economics, nature, society, etc. This is not news to any of us. We may not call it […]

How High?

By |March 16th, 2016|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on How High?

You know I enjoy finding the odd and/or reclusive taxonomy or classification. Besides bringing a smile to my face, they remind us that classifying […]