
More Concerns for Healthcare Providers

By |December 13th, 2011|Autoindexing, indexing, News|Comments Off on More Concerns for Healthcare Providers

Many healthcare providers have added concerns to the already stressful ICD 10 transition. Last week the Department of Health and Human Services and CMS issued final regulations on the medical loss ratio, which guarantees health insurers spend at least 80 percent (for individual and small group markets) or 85 percent (for large group markets) of consumer premiums on medical care.

ICD-10 Resources Available

By |December 8th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on ICD-10 Resources Available

The Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society (HIMSS) has released a free set of tools to aid in converting the new ICD-10 code sets. The ICD-10 PlayBook features ICD-10 report card software from Yakima, a speaker's bureau and white papers and Web seminars from a variety of resources.

Distractions Can Cost Healthcare Organizations

By |December 6th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Distractions Can Cost Healthcare Organizations

There are a lot of transitions in healthcare right now. Reform, technology and of course, the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 rank in the top things distracting healthcare organizations these days.

The Pressure is On

By |December 5th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on The Pressure is On

With two deadlines looming, can healthcare organizations be fully prepared? The Office for Civil Rights is randomly auditing for HIPAA compliance and this will continue through December 31, 2012. Right behind that is the October 2013 deadline for ICD-10 implementation. A recent survey showed most healthcare organizations charged with HIPAA compliance are not fully prepared for a privacy and security audit by federal regulators.

BCBSNC Seeks Help for the ICD 10 Transition

By |December 1st, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on BCBSNC Seeks Help for the ICD 10 Transition

Edifecs was chosen by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) to help them achieve compliance with the upcoming ICD-10 transition. They achieve this by enabling health plans index and analyze their own historic data.

Skeptics Worry About ICD-10 Affecting Cashflow

By |November 29th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Skeptics Worry About ICD-10 Affecting Cashflow

The ICD-10 coding classification transition is creating a variety of industry sentiment. Some consider it a potential train wreck and others think it may be the industry’s best shot at improving the claim processes.

Healthcare Costs Faces Another Challenge

By |November 28th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Healthcare Costs Faces Another Challenge

No one will argue that America’s out-of-control healthcare costs needs an anti-inflammatory. Many contend that consumer driven medicine is the wrong way to handle the problem.

Hospitals Slow in Integration Process

By |November 25th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Hospitals Slow in Integration Process

The financial health of community hospitals were surveyed recently and specifically their operating margins, Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement, days of cash on hand and their ICD-10 implementation progress were reviewed.

Seeking Solutions to Healthcare Challenges

By |November 22nd, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Seeking Solutions to Healthcare Challenges

Healthcare organizations continue to seek out ways to be more financially independent and address challenges brought on by healthcare reform, coding classification changes and the economy. Many facilities are seeing a merge or partnership as the resolution.

Daymarck Reacts to AMA’s Concerns

By |November 21st, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Daymarck Reacts to AMA’s Concerns

Provider of home health care coding and auditing services, Daymarck, has reacted to a statement released by the American Medical Association (AMA) where they came out against the ICD-10 conversion.