
ROI During Coding Migration

By |September 15th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on ROI During Coding Migration

In the healthcare world, the transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 is one of the most impactful change to a healthcare provider’s business. With the dramatic increase in codes from roughly 18,000 to more than 140,000, processes for scheduling, care delivery, diagnostics, billing, and analytics will all change in one way or another.

ICD-10 System Has 5x the Codes

3M, the designers of the ICD-10 Procedure Coding System, will help the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) prep its computer systems for ICD-10 coding.

Cost Reduction Options for Hospitals

By |September 5th, 2011|Autoindexing, indexing, News, Taxonomy, Term lists|Comments Off on Cost Reduction Options for Hospitals

Many are concerned about the cost of healthcare, patients and hospitals alike. Cuts in Medicare funding, increases in insurance premiums, and new federal requirements […]

ICD-10 Projects Increasing

By |September 2nd, 2011|indexing, News, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on ICD-10 Projects Increasing

IT management and healthcare professionals across the country are ramping up projects to create their ICD-10 plan as the December 13, 2013 deadline date nears. Everyone is facing common challenges of budget, bandwidth, staffing, training and of course, technical issues.

Options for Reducing Patient Risk Due to Coding Errors

By |August 30th, 2011|indexing, News, semantic|Comments Off on Options for Reducing Patient Risk Due to Coding Errors

The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ran a study examining ways to interpret data on electronic medical records to best address patient safety concerns. A developed a set of 20 measures, known as patient safety indicators, use administrative data to screen for potentially adverse events that occur during hospitalization.

QuadraMed Releases New Version of Coding Software

By |August 29th, 2011|Access Insights, News, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on QuadraMed Releases New Version of Coding Software

QuadraMed has released a new version of Quantim® Facility Coding that supports both ICD-9 and ICD-10 code sets.

Administrative Costs in Healthcare Continue to Rise

By |August 26th, 2011|News, semantic|1 Comment

It is no surprise to anyone how much healthcare costs these days. Well, maybe it is still a surprise, but not in a pleasant one. The US spends far more per capita on healthcare than any other developed country -- $7,538 per person, compared to $3,129 in the UK, $4,079 in Canada, and $5,003 in Norway (the second-biggest spender), according to 2008 totals compiled by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

HealthMash Releases Upgrades to Semantic Search Technology

By |August 23rd, 2011|News, semantic|Comments Off on HealthMash Releases Upgrades to Semantic Search Technology

HealthMash has released an upgrade to their search feature for the iPhone and Android based upon customers’ feedback. Part of the upgrades includes better visual appearance and some tweaking of the spelling correction feature.

New Alliance Continues Use of Semantic Technology in Healthcare

By |August 22nd, 2011|News, semantic|Comments Off on New Alliance Continues Use of Semantic Technology in Healthcare

The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) and Nuance Communications have announced a new collaboration. As makers of Dragon Medical Enterprise, Nuance’s new affiliation will offer several advantages, including more effective use of the EMR by physicians, cost savings, and the use of natural language processing will improve clinical decision-making.

Beyond Search Shares the Latest Access Innovations News

By |August 18th, 2011|News, search, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Beyond Search Shares the Latest Access Innovations News

Stephen E. Arnold, guru over at Arnold IT noted for his critical view of search and content processing technology, accentuates the positives in his discussion of Access Innovations' push into medical coding.