Taxonomies and Big Data
Taxonomy is the science of classification – typically and most commonly, classifying organisms. The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms and includes all plants, […]
To be as helpful as possible to those in the fields of taxonomy, library science, semantic technology, ontology, etc., we are sharing career opportunities that we find with […]
Officials of one small town are looking for some professional help to preserve records. These aren’t just your ordinary county clerk records; some of […]
Taxonomies organize a collection of information – structured or unstructured – and they underpin search in many applications. Taxonomy 101 provides the basics for […]
A collaboration between a Chinese university and Elsevier is undertaking the momentous task of cataloguing traditional Chinese medical knowledge as global clinical practice increasingly […]
Establishing transparency for each author’s role in a research study is one of the recommendations that recently appeared in a report in the Proceedings of the National […]
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has invited Access Innovations to hold the second Data Harmony Users Group East (DHUGE) meeting […]