
Harnessing the Power of Semantics

By |November 27th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Harnessing the Power of Semantics

Legal entity identifiers are a form of semantic data. The lack of legal entity identifiers is partly at fault for the failure of investment banking firms in 2008 and after. The vital data was lacking when crucial business decisions needed to be made by organizations. Accessing risk exposure was compromised and the fallout was harsh.

Same, But Not

By |November 6th, 2014|News, semantic|Comments Off on Same, But Not

Words like cognitive, intuitive, and semantic are often used interchangeably. However, these terms have distinct definitions that make them very different.

Semantics, Linked Data, and the Future of Academic Publishing

By |November 3rd, 2014|Access Insights, Featured, semantic|Comments Off on Semantics, Linked Data, and the Future of Academic Publishing

The rules for academic publishing really haven’t changed in centuries. Once, there was a large percentage of the populace who were skeptical of academic research when Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society started began its publication life in 1665. To make the system work against that pushback, the method had to be codified. As a result, access to research material was difficult to attain, to the extent that scientists as late as the 19th Century actively condoned criminal behavior just to have access to corpses for study and presentation.

Not the TEXAS You Would Think

By |October 21st, 2014|News, semantic|Comments Off on Not the TEXAS You Would Think

Though it is a little short notice, it seemed important to let you know of a workshop at the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) in Doha, Qatar, called "TEXAS: Taxonomy Extraction with Applications in Semantics" that may be of interest to those in the field.

Semantic Technology Speeds up Business Analytics

By |October 15th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Technology Speeds up Business Analytics

IBM recently introduced Watson Analytics, a natural language-based cognitive service that can provide immediate and simple access to powerful predictive and visual analytic tools for businesses.

Covered In Metadata: Semantic Fingerprinting

By |October 13th, 2014|Access Insights, Featured, semantic|Comments Off on Covered In Metadata: Semantic Fingerprinting

Once upon a time, there was a real art to finding something in a library, and the card catalog, in a way, was the medium. Those giant wooden cabinets were filled with mysteries to be uncovered, but the first mystery was how to navigate it. There were always the artists—the librarians—who could help you through it, but that is really only viable for a limited amount of content; librarians have other duties, after all.

Making Search Comprehensive

By |September 30th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Making Search Comprehensive

fluid Operations has released version 5.5 of Information Workbench and eCloudManager.

Digging a Little Deeper

By |August 25th, 2014|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Digging a Little Deeper

Semantic search combines natural language processing and computer technology to help people learn and share information quickly. How it is used and the different types of applications seems endless. After a car accident and subsequent coma ended up leaving one woman having to relearn how to do everything, she saw a need and built a semantic search company to discover the not-so-obvious information.

Embracing Semantic Technology

By |August 22nd, 2014|News, semantic|Comments Off on Embracing Semantic Technology

Cipher Systems has announced a new partnership with Semantic Research Inc. Together they will work together to integrate elements of SRI’s Semantica® software package and Cipher’s Knowledge.Works™ and Knowledge.Hub™ competitive intelligence software solutions.