
New Vocabularies Added to Library of Congress Authorities and Vocabularies

By |January 5th, 2011|News, semantic, Standards|Comments Off on New Vocabularies Added to Library of Congress Authorities and Vocabularies

In an announcement from the Library of Congress, they share their pleasure in making available new vocabularies from its Authorities and Vocabularies web service, which provides access to Library of Congress standards and vocabularies as Linked Data. The Authorities and Vocabularies web service was first made available in May 2009 and offered the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the Library's initial entry into the Linked Data movement.

KM Award Winners Announced

By |January 3rd, 2011|News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on KM Award Winners Announced

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards were announced in November at the 2010 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C.

Has Tape Backup Suffered the Final Death?

By |December 28th, 2010|News, semantic, storage|Comments Off on Has Tape Backup Suffered the Final Death?

The emergence of faster and denser LTO-5 tape could spark an increase in that exact debate; even with the general consensus being that LTO-5 won't stop the ongoing trend toward disk backup and data deduplication technology.

Russian Search Engine Moving Into Semantic Technology

By |December 24th, 2010|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Russian Search Engine Moving Into Semantic Technology

Russian search engine, Yandex, rolled out a new feature recently that aims to make its search experience seem a lot more intelligent. Sounds a bit like semantics to us.

The Semantic Web Journal Released

By |December 23rd, 2010|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on The Semantic Web Journal Released

The first issue of the Semantic Web journal has been published and the online version of the journal is freely accessible.

Adopting Standards Takes Time, Unfortunately

By |December 20th, 2010|indexing, News, ontology, search, semantic|Comments Off on Adopting Standards Takes Time, Unfortunately

Rumor has it the Open Group’s SOA Work Group intends the new Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Ontology Technical Standard to be a semantic foundation for SOA terms and concepts.

U.S. Navy Swimming in the Semantic Sea

By |December 17th, 2010|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on U.S. Navy Swimming in the Semantic Sea

The U.S. Navy believes the semantic Web will connect data in new ways and lay the foundation for further advances in their world. Their objective is to manage a global network that delivers instant integration of military data across a number of separate specializations such as geographic, intelligence, logistics and manpower, as well as provide information about red or blue forces. The semantic Web will be the engine needed to power the effort.

Content vs. Context

By |December 17th, 2010|News, semantic, Technology|Comments Off on Content vs. Context

No one can argue that content quality is important, its relevance is evident. But how does it compare to context?