
Open Source Semantic Engine Introduced by Nuxeo

By |September 8th, 2010|News, semantic|Comments Off on Open Source Semantic Engine Introduced by Nuxeo

fise (Furtwangen IKS Semantic Engine) is an open source RESTful semantic engine to which NUXEO has made contributions. According to the contributors, the goal of fise includes to bring new semantic features to CMS.

New Director of Interoperability Certification for Open Geospatial Consortium

By |September 1st, 2010|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on New Director of Interoperability Certification for Open Geospatial Consortium

Dr. Luis E. Bermudez has been appointed Director of Interoperability Certification for the OGC where he will among other things, manage the OGC Certification Program and lead plugfest activities.

Integration – The Most Overlooked Component of Semantic Technologies

By |September 1st, 2010|News, semantic|1 Comment

Sean Martin, CTO of Cambrige Semantics was recently interviewed on his views of integration.

Automatic Tagging – How Intuitive Is It?

By |August 24th, 2010|indexing, News, semantic|Comments Off on Automatic Tagging – How Intuitive Is It?

Open Text Content Analytics engine that intelligently extracts meaning, sentiment and context from content.

The Triumphant Ascendance of the Librarian

By |August 18th, 2010|indexing, News, reference, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on The Triumphant Ascendance of the Librarian

Librarians are hoarders with conventional and intellectually-provincial minds and authors struggle to think outside the boxes that librarians keep foisting upon the academic disciplines within which they both operate.

BRICO Ontology Experiment

By |August 12th, 2010|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on BRICO Ontology Experiment

The BRICO (for "bricolage", a French word meaning something like "robust but diverse mishmash") knowledge base is an integration of several distinct knowledge resources in FramerD.

Open Semantic Framework Debuts in Citizen Dan

By |August 12th, 2010|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on Open Semantic Framework Debuts in Citizen Dan

Citizen Dan is an open source system for local governments and organizations to publish and visualize community data and content.