
What Do You Get With SharePoint?

By |August 24th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on What Do You Get With SharePoint?

Just like art and beauty being in the eye of the beholder, the usability of SharePoint in your enterprise system seems to have different opinions. One writer/user/analyst shares their experiences/perceptions with SharePoint in the real-world applications.

DocuXplorer Releases Upgrade

By |August 22nd, 2011|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on DocuXplorer Releases Upgrade

DocuXplorer has released a new, even more powerful version of DocuXplorer. Of the seventeen new features and four enhancements included, the most noticeable new feature is a dramatically improved OCR functionality. Users are now able to segregate a zone or multiple zones for automated index set population.

Beyond Search Shares the Latest Access Innovations News

By |August 18th, 2011|News, search, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Beyond Search Shares the Latest Access Innovations News

Stephen E. Arnold, guru over at Arnold IT noted for his critical view of search and content processing technology, accentuates the positives in his discussion of Access Innovations' push into medical coding.

Access Innovations, Inc. Announces the Access Innovations Health Integrity Initiative (AI³)

By |August 17th, 2011|Access Insights, News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Access Innovations, Inc. Announces the Access Innovations Health Integrity Initiative (AI³)

Access Innovations, Inc., a leader in data integrity and content creation, has announced the Access Innovations Integrity Initiative (AI³), a suite of tools and services for quality assurance and validation of medical coding.

Medical Coding: Seek Trusted Resources, an Essential Step

By |August 16th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Medical Coding: Seek Trusted Resources, an Essential Step

Medical billing and coding jobs are constantly being advertised in magazines, on television and the Internet. We received a spam email from an outfit doing business as

Connecting the Taxonomy with Search

A customer asked me "how is the taxonomy connected to search?" Their search vendor says they can implement the full taxonomy. This is such a simple question - such a long winded answer below.

Genome Viewer Introduced

By |August 12th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Genome Viewer Introduced

Elsevier has introduced Genome Viewer, a new interactive feature on SciVerse ScienceDirect that displays detailed gene or genomic sequence information for applicable life sciences journals.

Self-Discovery in Geekdom

By |August 11th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Self-Discovery in Geekdom

What is your definition of a geek? It may not surprise you that there is no standard definition of a “geek.” However, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has created an interesting taxonomy for its annual “Science and Engineering Indicators” report.

Reducing Redundancy Saves Space

By |August 9th, 2011|Autoindexing, indexing, News, storage, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Reducing Redundancy Saves Space

Knowledge is power, that is no secret. In the legal services world, nothing could be truer. According to Ted Tjaden, national director of knowledge management at McMillan LLP and author of “The Seven Faces of Legal Knowledge Management”, there is a method to knowing what to know and why.

Coordinating Platform and Taxonomy Implementations Intelligently

Why is it that people seem to feel that they need to get the platform and the technology in place and tested before they ever work on the organization of their information and cleaning up the data? They do not look at the data and what the data needs to be best used by the user community. I am repeatedly getting told that the DTD/Schema for the data and the taxonomy implementation have been pushed back because they are working on implementing the platform. What do they think the platform is for? Without well organized and well formed test data how will they even begin to know that the system will be able to work well for their information? How do they know that the user can find anything in the proposed system if they have no idea what the data is like? Where are the taxonomy terms going to go in the database or the record or the system? How are they bound to the information they reference? Building the platform first is like buying a pair of shoes without knowing either the size of the foot or the occasion for which they are to be worn. Rant! Rant