Why is it that people seem to feel that they need to get the platform and the technology in place and tested before they ever work on the organization of their information and cleaning up the data? They do not look at the data and what the data needs to be best used by the user community. I am repeatedly getting told that the DTD/Schema for the data and the taxonomy
implementation have been pushed back because they are working on implementing the platform. What do they think the platform is for? Without well organized and well formed test data how will they even begin to know that the system will be able to work well for their information? How do they know that the user can find anything in the proposed system if they have no idea what the data is like? Where are the taxonomy terms going to go in the database or the record or the system? How are they bound to the information they reference? Building the platform first is like buying a pair of shoes without knowing either the size of the foot or the occasion for which they are to be worn. Rant! Rant