Just like art and beauty being in the eye of the beholder, SharePoint as deployed in enterprise systems seems to elicit different opinions regarding its usability. One writer/user/analyst shares his experiences with and perceptions of SharePoint in real-world use.

We found this interesting information on CMS Wire in their article, “SharePoint in the Enterprise: Best Uses, Trends, Tools & Strategies.” They are quick to point out that what you essentially have with SharePoint is a framework or platform. There is much application development work needed to make it perform at an optimal level within the enterprise.

What is needed? Information architecture to start with. And let’s not forget the taxonomy. How is your content classified? You should consider a professional to help build a solid standards-based taxonomy to associate content for appropriate machine assisted indexing. Access Innovations can provide solutions that are ANSI compliant.

Melody K. Smith

Sponsored by Access Innovations, the world leader in thesaurus, ontology, and taxonomy creation and metadata application.