
Flexible Technology is the Key

By |July 15th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Flexible Technology is the Key

Enterprise content management (ECM) software needs to be as flexible as any other technology on the market. Hyland Software's ECM solution, OnBase, is a good example of this with their expanded core functionality of intelligent imaging and capture, and a platform that can be leveraged for building data-driven applications. Add to that the increasing opportunities for it to be offered in a mobile-enabled environment.

New Database Uses Colorful Taxonomy

By |July 14th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Database Uses Colorful Taxonomy

Leadership Directories has branched out into health care with Health Focus, its first online database covering a particular industry. Health Focus holds information on 150,000 leaders and 8,000 organizations across the U.S. health care industry.

Taxonomy Webinar Series – First One is Today

By |July 13th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomy Webinar Series – First One is Today

The SLA Taxonomy Division is presenting a webinar series - Leveraging Your Taxonomy - starting today and continuing 6 sessions on the second Wednesday of each month through December.

Scope Scoops Up New Project

By |July 13th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Scope Scoops Up New Project

Scope eKnowledge Center (Scope), India, has announced that it has been selected by ASTM International for its subject matter expert (SME)-curated knowledge mining and indexing services.

Indexing Needs A Solid Taxonomy

By |July 12th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Indexing Needs A Solid Taxonomy

The National and University Library of Slovenia has adopted EBSCO's Discovery Service (EDS) to index their library resources into a single, searchable catalog.

Connecting Taxonomies

By |July 11th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Connecting Taxonomies

I’ve been asked if taxonomies can be connected. The thinking was, if these taxonomies are standardized, or at least mostly standardized, it seems that there should be a way that taxonomies can be connected in various organizational systems.

Unobvious Use for a Taxonomy

By |July 11th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Unobvious Use for a Taxonomy

It isn’t an obvious connection between beer and taxonomy development, but it is there if you give it more thought. The world’s most comprehensive beer taxonomy is now bigger than ever. A new poster design features 89 varieties of beer with over 200 representative quaffs, including glassware recommendations for each variety, and covers six square feet with beer-soaked information.

Document Management Systems Continue to Evolve

By |July 6th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Document Management Systems Continue to Evolve

New capabilities in document capture software are changing what was a simple, flat process – scanning – and making it possible to use the tools to streamline and optimize the overall document management process.

Interdisciplinary Taxonomies

By |July 4th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Interdisciplinary Taxonomies

People need to decide when they are building their taxonomy if they have one point of origin or if they are interdisciplinary. Some firms start with a one-point path; it is that path and that path alone that drives the firm. They have a single point of origin. They will need to clearly state term relationships, which is not always done.

Taxonomies At Work in Social Media Marketing

By |June 30th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomies At Work in Social Media Marketing

As advertisers are navigating the world of social media, many don’t get the possibilities that abound; but every once in a while a brand gets it right. Pandora managed to create socially relevant content of genuine interest to the consumers and use appropriate advertising on social media and search sites.