Master Data Management and Taxonomies

By |November 22nd, 2010|Access Insights, Business strategy, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Master Data Management and Taxonomies

November 22, 2010 – At the recent Data Content conference in Philadelphia, put on by InfoCommerce Group, Managing Director Scott Taylor gave a presentation on the […]

Agility Seems to be the Word of the Week

By |November 17th, 2010|Business strategy, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Agility Seems to be the Word of the Week

TM Forum’s Management World remained focused on operations this year. Even if their expansion into “specialist streams” might have initially confused some people into thinking TM Forum is “straying” from its core competency.

Grant Given to Build Database and Image Library

By |November 9th, 2010|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Grant Given to Build Database and Image Library

The LSU AgCenter has been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to support developing a database and image library at the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum and consolidating data from five additional arthropod collections.


By |November 3rd, 2010|Business strategy, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on XBRL US Gets New CEO

The national consortium for XML business reporting standards, XBRL US, has announced that Campbell Pryde, the current Chief Standards Officer and head of development, has been named President and CEO.

PPC Chosen by National Archives and Records Administration

By |November 2nd, 2010|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on PPC Chosen by National Archives and Records Administration

Project Performance Corporation (PPC) has been awarded a contract by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to support modernization of the Archival Description and Authority Services. PPC will provide expertise in the areas of Application Architecture and Development, Service Oriented Architecture, Taxonomy and Search, Data Management and Modeling, Program and Project Management, and Quality Control.

Another Semantic Technology Release

By |November 1st, 2010|News, ontology, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Another Semantic Technology Release

Newly released Sophia Search, a new solution that uses a semiotic-based linguistic model to identify intrinsic terms, phrases and relationships within unstructured content so that it can be efficiently recovered, consolidated and leveraged, delivers a three-dimensional solution.

Knowledge Organization Systems

I attended the 2010 meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) in Pittsburgh. There were quite a few papers and posters I found aligned with taxonomies and the whole area of linked data, semantic implementations and the Dublin Core. The DC-2010 conference, sponsored by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), was held immediately prior to ASIS&T in the same hotel so the over lap in participants and programming was spot on for my interests. The ASIS&T annual meeting is the main venue for disseminating research centered on advances in the information sciences and related applications of information technology. It has veered heavily into usability for the last few years and this change back to mainline information science was refreshing!