
Ontology Systems and Logica Create Partnership

By |May 9th, 2011|News, ontology|1 Comment

Ontology Systems and Logica have announced a new partnership to provide Enterprise Data Alignment (EDA) solutions for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) who want to search and align knowledge from the customer, service and network data distributed across their operational, business and infrastructure systems.

Juggling Many Clouds

By |May 5th, 2011|News|Comments Off on Juggling Many Clouds

One of the things that will become more apparent as cloud computing continues to evolve is that each cloud service is going to become a centralized hub for managing information. This brings the challenge of managing multiple information hubs, both on the premises and in the clouds.

The Newest or the Tried and True?

By |April 29th, 2011|News|Comments Off on The Newest or the Tried and True?

When asked about the potential of triple stores replacing relational databases, one author provides his perspective in twofold.

Name Change to Focus Direction

By |April 28th, 2011|News, Technology|Comments Off on Name Change to Focus Direction

Speed-Trap has announced a name change to Celebrus Technologies Limited. This comes as part of their strategic plan to grow, promote and internationalize their products and services.