
The Importance of Taxonomies

By |January 16th, 2013|Access Insights, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on The Importance of Taxonomies

The demand for knowledge management has broadened the use of taxonomies, as well as the opportunities for taxonomists to apply their skills.

New Release Improves Findability

By |December 13th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on New Release Improves Findability

Smartlogic has announced the SharePoint version of its Content Intelligence solution, Semaphore. The new Semaphore for SharePoint 2013 augments SharePoint 2013 to improve the search experience and standardize metadata cross the enterprise. The new Semaphore version also supports Microsoft’s Office 365, which adds equivalent functionality to the cloud-based solution.

Findability is Dependent on Access

By |November 1st, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Findability is Dependent on Access

Healthline Networks’ health reference site -- -- launched its Consumer Engagement Platform. This new site enables health insurers and businesses to offer members and employees contextual searching of health data from electronic health records and medical claims.

Indexing Giant Re-Opens Genealogy Center

By |October 30th, 2012|indexing, News|Comments Off on Indexing Giant Re-Opens Genealogy Center

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has announced the re-opening of the Family History Center located in Lawton, Oklahoma. Genealogy has always been encouraged by the Church and the Family History Library maintains the world's largest collection of microfilmed genealogical records in the world and has made it all digital.

Document Management Education

By |October 29th, 2012|indexing, News|Comments Off on Document Management Education

It continues to be a challenge, but managing enterprise content has earned itself special focus in the educational and training arena. Nokusa Engineering Informatics (NokusaEI) is introducing a new series of AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) training programs in South Africa.

Historical Cultural Data Being Digitized

By |October 12th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Historical Cultural Data Being Digitized

Culture and online are two words rarely used together, but recently the European Parliament voted through a directive that allows anyone to access ‘orphan works’ – cultural works for which no copyright owner can be located. In addition to this, the digital portal Europeana has offered to freely reuse the metadata associated with its 20 million digitized cultural objects.