
Looking to the Clouds for Findability

By |April 26th, 2012|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Looking to the Clouds for Findability

Digitizing documents continues to be a rising trend. With physical space for storage shrinking, organizations are looking to the clouds for storage, and thus need to make their data digital. This is not an easy endeavor, considering the volume of paper any office produces. But it doesn’t have to be totally overwhelming.

Semantic Technology To Achieve Findability

By |April 13th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Technology To Achieve Findability

EffectiveSoft has released a new version of Intellexer Summarizer, the feature that recognizes names of people, places, etc. and relates between them. Semantic technology is available to everyone, so the solutions from EffectiveSoft company are no exception. However, their new version does offer a more precise summary of query. This allows the user to carry out scientific and analytical researches in an efficient and timely manner.

Semantic Tagging and Ontologies

By |March 22nd, 2012|News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Tagging and Ontologies

Nature Publishing Group has chosen Molecular Connections to carry out ontology enhancements for its key subject terms and semantic tagging for its back files.

Understanding Intention

By |March 8th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Understanding Intention

Fact-Finder is a well-known semantic search guru that just went live on a German online travel agency. This recent international adventure was the brain-child of Carsten Kraus, Fact-Finder founder.

Finding Data Faster and Easier

By |March 1st, 2012|News|Comments Off on Finding Data Faster and Easier

KnowledgeTree has unveiled new tools for their Personal Cloud Edition of SaaS document management and workflow offering. These tools are designed to make business documents easier to find and share.

Making the Step to Auto-Classification

By |February 17th, 2012|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|1 Comment

Many turn to auto-classification systems to find some level of consistency and scalability, especially when (and this is very common) there are more than one indexer tagging content. There seems to be a feeling that moving to auto-classification systems requires a sacrifice of rich and quality indexing.

Making Data Access Fluid

By |February 8th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Making Data Access Fluid

fluid Operations provides innovative cloud and data management solutions based on semantic technologies and now they have released the Information WorkbenchTM 2.2.

New Merger Benefits EBSCO

By |February 7th, 2012|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Merger Benefits EBSCO

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) maybe in the perfect spot to benefit from the formal merging of EBSCO A-to-Z® and LinkSource® into EBSCO’s overall discovery solution.