
The Need for Training

By |November 17th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on The Need for Training

IOD Incorporated has launched the IOD Learning Institute (ILI), an education platform that includes online learning, classroom led education and personalized one-on-one learning. This comes about in preparation for the ICD-10 transition.

ICD-10 Creates Need for New Disease Taxonomy

By |November 15th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on ICD-10 Creates Need for New Disease Taxonomy

The National Research Council released a report earlier this month that highlights the need for new systems to incorporate the health and disease-related information that continues to amass at an amazing rate, into a single resource that can help improve health outcomes.

ICD-10 Trumps the Y2K Anxiety

By |November 14th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on ICD-10 Trumps the Y2K Anxiety

We all know that behind the scenes in the health care industry many people are working towards one of the biggest changes to information systems in years. That is of course, the transition to the new ICD-10 medical coding classification system. For some, this is a business opportunity that could create growth and revenue.

Increased Activity Among Healthcare Technology

By |November 11th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Increased Activity Among Healthcare Technology

Most healthcare organizations are focused on getting their electronic health records (EHR) systems running properly in preparation for the transition to meet ICD-10 compliance. The significant revision to reimbursement guidelines at the federal level has captured the attention of those concerned about cash flow and compliance.

Proper Coding Requires Training

By |November 8th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Proper Coding Requires Training

Med-Line School of Medical Transcription has launched a medical coding training program called the Coding Bridge Program. Considering the changing health care industry right now, the name seems appropriate.

Ready or Not?

By |November 7th, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Ready or Not?

A recent KLAS survey revealed that only 9% of respondents were more than halfway through their ICD-10 readiness preparations. This is a little disconcerting when you think about the timeline and the millions of dollars this could take for the large and some mid-size facilities.

More Preparations for the ICD-10 Transition

By |November 2nd, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on More Preparations for the ICD-10 Transition

Care Communications has announced the start of a new ICD-10 Documentation and Financial Risk Assessment Services designed to assess clinical documentation problems and financial risks for healthcare providers.

Indexing is Key to Findability

By |November 2nd, 2011|indexing, News|Comments Off on Indexing is Key to Findability

A team of librarians from regional branches of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine have come to the Radiology Society of North America's (RNSA) annual conference in Chicago to host educational sessions on helping clinicians easily find reference material. This has taken place for fifteen years and that continues for RNSA 2011 next month.

Top 10 Lists

By |November 1st, 2011|Autoindexing, News|Comments Off on Top 10 Lists

The impending ICD-10 implementation landed on one author’s list of things that should be keeping healthcare IT officers up at night. No surprise really considering they are under the two year mark before all transition and training needs to be implemented to the new ICD-10 medical coding program.

Beat the Clock

By |October 28th, 2011|indexing, News|Comments Off on Beat the Clock

Two years out from the deadline, less than 10 percent of healthcare providers are more than halfway ready for the ICD-10 implementation. The deadline for the conversion is Oct. 1, 2013.