Search and Beyond
Much like metadata became the term of the year after the revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s use of this telling tool, enterprise search is fast becoming a hot topic.
Much like metadata became the term of the year after the revelations surrounding the National Security Agency’s use of this telling tool, enterprise search is fast becoming a hot topic.
Search tools are a researcher’s best technological tool to help them analyze, evaluate, and discover, since making content findable is key to progress.
Search has seen some dramatic changes in recent years, and most attribute that to semantic technology. It has become the normal expectation for users that a search engine would understand inference in natural language versus the query model used for so long.
Concept Searching and information governance are often seen together in articles and white papers. It is a popular topic, but a complicated one as well. Search is a key component of information governance and therein lies our interest on the topic.
Modern records management is in a process of evolution. Many organizations, including private, public and government, have begun to digitize, because maintaining paper and digital records together is no longer feasible. Manually indexing is just too difficult and time consuming, so a tool is needed to accomplish this goal. However, it is more than just indexing. Streamlining the discovery portion is as important, if not more important.
Do the current methods of searching the Internet actually have an expiration date? The scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) believe that just may be the case. Their goal is to revolutionize the discovery, organization, and presentation of results.
What You Should Know." As the developer of Smart Content Framework, this informative webinar will be based on the recent Concept Searching SharePoint and Office 365 speaking engagements. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, July 22nd, at 11:30am-12:30pm EDT. Registration is now open.
Semantic search continues to develop and be even more integral to information management, but how does it affect your efforts to identify and employ keywords? This is assuming that keywords even matter anymore. How does it help make your content findable?
Digital marketing is changing in every industry, but none more than the insurance industry. There are tactics more appropriate and effective than the search engine optimization and keyword linking of days gone by. Google has made that very clear.