
Semantic Search Increases Findability

By |September 27th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Increases Findability

EasyAsk and DollarDays International approached the new school year with a semantic approach. DollarDays have doubled their number of products and increased traffic and memberships to their website. How did they do it? They attribute much of it to the strong and comprehensive semantic search feature found on their website.

The Government’s Role in the Web

By |September 27th, 2012|News, search|Comments Off on The Government’s Role in the Web

Web content management may very well be in the hands of the government. That may concern you, but the new digital government strategy laid out by the Obama administration reads, "New expectations require the federal government to be ready to deliver and receive digital information and services anytime, anywhere and on any device."

Webinar Addresses Google Products

By |September 21st, 2012|News, search|Comments Off on Webinar Addresses Google Products

A webinar is scheduled to provide an update on Google's products and services, including what is on the horizon. This webinar is scheduled for September 26, 2012 and is being offered by National Federation for Advanced Information Services (NFAIS).

Semantic Search Featured as Trendsetter

By |September 19th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Featured as Trendsetter

Another article from KM World where they are identifying trendsetting products brought this news to our attention. The article, "Trend-Setting Products of 2012: Mindbreeze: Mindbreeze InSite" talks about the challenges of traditional search and how one product is offering a solution.

Retailer Harnesses Semantic Search

By |September 18th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Retailer Harnesses Semantic Search

As odd as it sounds, Walmart has rolled out a new search engine based on semantic search technology. This unlikely pair is working to help users find items on the Walmart website. The results are based on their interests and likely intent.

The Topic Search in New York

By |September 10th, 2012|News, search|Comments Off on The Topic Search in New York

Search Marketing Expo is scheduled for October 2-4 in New York City. Are you going?

Testing, Maintaining, and Implementing Your Taxonomy

By |September 3rd, 2012|Access Insights, Featured, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Testing, Maintaining, and Implementing Your Taxonomy

Once you’ve developed a taxonomy, of course you want to use it. And before using it, you want (or should want) to test it. And, of course, the use is two ways. You can apply it to the records, for indexing, and you can use it for search, too; both of those applications are use tests at first, and can serve as use tests again for maintenance of the taxonomy. Once you get into the maintenance phase, you have to be able to edit and otherwise change lots of parts of the terms. You might change the status of the term itself, what it is called; for example, you could change the primary term that you use and put some other word in as the non-preferred term. You might want to delete or add a relationship. Of course, you want to add new terms. You might want to move the branches around. All of these things are part of routine taxonomy maintenance.

Semantic Results with Semantic Technology

By |August 14th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Results with Semantic Technology

Atiego, a semantic analysis company, has used their skills and technology to make it possible to search the archive of the National Institute of Health’s PubMed library. This library consists of more than 400,000 research papers, using a graphical interface rather than just scrolling through pages of results.