social media

ICD-10 Goes Viral

By |December 18th, 2012|Autoindexing, indexing, News|Comments Off on ICD-10 Goes Viral

Twitter users are are monitoring the changes going on for healthcare providers with the ICD-10 transition, including many social media commentators. This particular article […]

Social Connections

By |December 11th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Social Connections

With the increase in social media applications and the use of those applications, there are always new and varied ways to monitor customer sentiment. The basic technology employed for sentiment analysis includes natural language processing, computational linguistics, and text analytics. Identifying and extracting subjective information from a variety of sources (such as web pages, online news, internet discussion groups, and social media) can produce interesting and useful data.

Open and Social

By |December 7th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Open and Social

LinkedIn has open sourced all the software that it had acquired in the acquisition of the search engine software maker IndexTank. Now LinkedIn has joined the elite few of social media platforms that have already made their internal codes available to the open source developer community.

Winning with Social Media

By |November 29th, 2012|News|Comments Off on Winning with Social Media

The power of social media has often been discussed here. The power it possesses in connecting with customers and consitutuents cannot be debunked. One of our own Access programmers is utilizing social media to reach his own constituents. Alexander Lyons is a gifted musical artist in addition to writing amazing code for us. He has recently released his debut CD - My First Ten - full of his own original material.

Technology and Social Media

By |November 21st, 2012|News, Technology|Comments Off on Technology and Social Media

The Internet has changed the way we communicate, connect, and do business. The new technologies stemming from the Internet continue to appear every day. One industry that has embraced that technology growth is the hospitality industry. With hotel e-commerce, the industry has forever changed.

Setting Records

By |November 19th, 2012|indexing, News|Comments Off on Setting Records

Sysomos is celebrating the indexing of 100,000,000,000 social posts. This milestone of collecting social media data in real time from various sources such as blogs, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and news sources is equivalent of 14 times the population of the Earth. Now we know why they say perspective is everything.

New Social Search in Use

By |November 9th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on New Social Search in Use

Eventster is a new application that aggregates events and then further differentiates them using semantic technologies. The result is additional information to help you identify events you want to attend, and those you don't.

Merging Art and Data

By |October 19th, 2012|News, Technology|Comments Off on Merging Art and Data

Harnessing the power of art, the Public Art Program of Albuquerque, New Mexico has been funding city-wide art on fire stations, libraries, and parks, with more […]

Social Media Data Continues to Grow

By |October 10th, 2012|indexing, News|1 Comment

Sysomos is known for their social media monitoring and analytics. Now they can brag about reaching an important milestone – the indexing of 100,000,000,000 (one […]