
Clashing the Old With the New

By |October 1st, 2010|indexing, News, semantic|Comments Off on Clashing the Old With the New

Yearning for the Dewey Decimal System to guide him through the Internet, this blogger shares his unique and humorous perspective about the information superhighway. Believing that the more precisely we can describe things, the more precisely people will be able to find what they need.

ATG Commerce 10 Released

By |September 30th, 2010|Autoindexing, indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on ATG Commerce 10 Released

ATG releases ATG Commerce 10 designed to help merchants speed commerce implementations, improve merchandising, rapidly launch multiple sites, and easily expand into new markets. These capabilities are designed to increase the value of merchandise, and the profitability of overall commerce initiatives.

EasyAsk Integrates in the Cloud with NetSuite

By |September 28th, 2010|indexing, News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on EasyAsk Integrates in the Cloud with NetSuite

EasyAsk, provider of natural language search and query software for corporate applications has integrated its EasyAsk Business Edition with the NetSuite cloud computing platform. Using NetSuite's SuiteCloud development platform, the combined solution will help NetSuite users of all types search their NetSuite data to identify and act upon new sales opportunities, proactively service customers, and execute key business processes faster and more efficiently.

Executive Interviews Will Be Featured on Knowledgespeak

By |September 27th, 2010|Business strategy, indexing, News|Comments Off on Executive Interviews Will Be Featured on Knowledgespeak

Scope e-Knowledge Center will be exhibiting at the Frankfurt Book Fair from October 6-10, 2010. In addition to Scope's diverse services, Knowledgespeak, a daily news alert service published by Scope, will also be conducting a series of exclusive interviews with select industry executives during the fair.

Shaking the Image of Dusty Archives

By |September 24th, 2010|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Shaking the Image of Dusty Archives

10-year project, Charting Change: An Interactive Atlas of Burnaby's Heritage, tied with a Smithsonian Institute project last month for ArchivesNext's award for best repurposing of digitized data. The online project allows visitors to Heritage Burnaby's website to click on and learn about historic locations on each of the maps.

Happy Birthday Google News!

By |September 23rd, 2010|indexing, News, search|1 Comment

Eight years since the launch of Google News, the information directory continues to grow as one of the company's most important products and the internet's most influential news portal. Google today indexes news from more than 50,000 sources in 30 languages.

Sophia Search Uses Semiotic Approach

By |September 23rd, 2010|indexing, News, ontology, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Sophia Search Uses Semiotic Approach

Sophia Search brings a different approach to searching information in the enterprise to market in the form of a search engine tool that understands the relationship between related sets of content. Rather than taking the approach to indexing that relies on taxonomy and ontology, Sophia search engine relies on a Contextual Discovery Engine.

Fairview Research Acquires IFI Patent Intelligence

By |September 22nd, 2010|indexing, News|Comments Off on Fairview Research Acquires IFI Patent Intelligence

Fairview Research has acquired IFI Patent Intelligence from Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions. IFI is the leading producer of value-added U.S. patent databases and indexing services.

No Contenders in the Web Indexing Awards

By |September 21st, 2010|Autoindexing, indexing, News|Comments Off on No Contenders in the Web Indexing Awards

The Web Indexing Special Interest Group of the American Society for Indexing annually awards a deserving indexer the annual Web Indexing SIG Award for excellence in web site indexing. This is done to encourage high quality web site indexes and to promote the web indexing work of professional indexers. Surprisingly, there were no 2010 winners “due to a lack of quality submissions.”

Censored Indexing Attempts to Filter Out Sin

By |September 21st, 2010|indexing, News, search|Comments Off on Censored Indexing Attempts to Filter Out Sin

A number of new Internet search engines created by religious entities seek to filter out queries from Web users censoring what they deem as inappropriate findings.