
EasyAsk Integrates in the Cloud with NetSuite

By |September 28th, 2010|indexing, News, ontology, semantic|Comments Off on EasyAsk Integrates in the Cloud with NetSuite

EasyAsk, provider of natural language search and query software for corporate applications has integrated its EasyAsk Business Edition with the NetSuite cloud computing platform. Using NetSuite's SuiteCloud development platform, the combined solution will help NetSuite users of all types search their NetSuite data to identify and act upon new sales opportunities, proactively service customers, and execute key business processes faster and more efficiently.

Cognition Technologies Featured in Semantic Software Research

By |September 22nd, 2010|News, ontology, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Cognition Technologies Featured in Semantic Software Research

Cognition Technologies, known for its Semantic Natural Language Processing (NLP) was highlighted in the Gilbane Group's latest research entitled Semantic Software Technologies: Landscape of High Value Applications for the Enterprise.

Peer39 Partners with AppNexus

By |September 21st, 2010|News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Peer39 Partners with AppNexus

Peer39, known for their semantic advertising solutions, announced integration of the company's semantic targeting capabilities with AppNexus, the real-time advertising platform for ad networks, demand-side platforms, trading desks, and other leading online advertising companies.

Webinar Looks at Applying CMS and Semantic Enrichment to Publishing

By |September 15th, 2010|News, semantic|Comments Off on Webinar Looks at Applying CMS and Semantic Enrichment to Publishing

“It’s Not Rocket Science! Applying CMS and Semantic Enrichment to Transform Book Publishing” is scheduled for September 29, 2010 – 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. EST.

Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards

By |September 13th, 2010|News, semantic, Standards|Comments Off on Consortium Seeking Multilingual Web Standards

The World Wide Web Consortium is where the industry meets to set standards for the Web and Jeffery Jaffe is overseeing their largest project in progress ( HTML5 standards group), all the while trying to ensure that the Consortium sharpens its focus on multilingual web standards for countries like India.

Webnodes Releases Upgrade to Semantic CMS

By |September 13th, 2010|News, semantic|3 Comments

Webnodes AS, a company developing an ASP.NET based semantic content management system, releases version 3.5 of their content management system.

Does The Future Hold Spam and More Spam?

By |September 10th, 2010|News, semantic, Technology|Comments Off on Does The Future Hold Spam and More Spam?

With each new advance in computer technology, it seems to be followed by a malicious exploitation of that particular technology. For example, after email became popular, spammers exploited it for advertising and for fraudulent practices, not to mention made it an excellent delivery method for computer viruses.

Researchers Seek Better Business Intelligence

By |September 10th, 2010|Business Intelligence, Business strategy, News, semantic|Comments Off on Researchers Seek Better Business Intelligence

Researchers from Sheffield Hallam University have joined an initiative aiming at creating new Internet search tools that will enable enterprises to extract better business intelligence from the semantic web.

Strategic Content Management – Peace Keeping Missile?

By |September 9th, 2010|Business strategy, News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Strategic Content Management – Peace Keeping Missile?

Informative and entertaining article highlights the history and application of content management systems and is worth the time to read.