Selecting Terms for Your Taxonomy
When you select the terms, you can select them from all those standard sources that might be available to you, like these: Existing taxonomies, thesauri, and classification schemes; Encyclopedias, lexicons, dictionaries, and glossaries; Books and journals, and their indexes; Databases; and Annual reviews and surveys. Also scan the literature in general; not just your literature but the literature of other publishers. I would encourage you to watch the international literature. A tremendous amount of what is happening these days is happening outside the United States. We tend to take a rather parochial view of what is happening in our own field and knowledge organization systems. I would say that there is more happening in Europe than in the United States at the moment. They are way ahead of us in actually getting taxonomic implementations done and pushing the envelopes for thinking. So, those of us in non-European countries need to need to pay attention to what is happening in Europe.