
Of Taxonomies, Biology, and Moneyball

By |January 30th, 2012|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Of Taxonomies, Biology, and Moneyball

Baseball and biology are not commonly found in the same conceptual space. Neither do you find taxonomy associated with baseball, but in recent news these connections were made. Grant Bisbee, Editor, “Baseball Nation”, digresses into the arcane as he laments the coming of the “He’s In the Best Shape of His Life” season. This is the time of year baseball writers must assess the prospects for the coming season and clichés and hyperbole rein. The dubious practice of evaluating the physical condition of players runs rampant as spring training begins. With tongue in cheek Bisbee tries to shape a taxonomy to classify this spring ritual. His would be the taxonomy of the “In the Best-shape Stories”.

Liferay Community Edition 6.1

By |January 27th, 2012|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Liferay Community Edition 6.1

Liferay Community Edition V6.1 has been released. It brings a significant list of new features, including some social activity applications, search improvements, some contextual relationship enhancing and user defined lists.

2012: What Lies Ahead?

By |January 16th, 2012|Access Insights, Autoindexing, Business strategy, Featured, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on 2012: What Lies Ahead?

This time of year I read a lot of trends and reviews. What happened last year and what will happen in the coming year is a popular topic and it is in fact a good time to take stock and think about initiatives for the year ahead. So here is what I see coming down the road for 2012.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

By |January 12th, 2012|Business strategy, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

I know I can’t be alone in the amount of spam email I get daily. In fact, I probably receive a lower amount than most. It is amazing that I actually find my real mail, mail I actually want to read, in the middle of all the junk. Then there are the spams that cloak their selves in pretend reality. They are like the fake checks that come in snail mail that are actually offers of credit or some other promotion.

Eighth Annual Data Harmony Users Group to Focus on Leveraging Users’ Investment in Knowledge Management Software Suite

The Eighth Annual Data Harmony® Users Group (DHUG) meeting, scheduled Feb. 7-9, 2012 in Albuquerque, New Mexico will focus on helping users get the most from their investment in the knowledge management software suite, which helps users organize information resources based on a well-built and systematically applied taxonomy or thesaurus.

Taxonomy Meetings 2011 – A Year of Change or Realization?

What are the meetings that cater to people who use controlled vocabularies, like taxonomies? Where should a taxonomist go, click, or attend to learn about the latest implementations and uses of controlled vocabulary strategies? Every company thinks long and hard both about what they do and where to find customers for their products and services. The Information Industry is no different. In the Age of the Internet when everyone’s “knows” about searching and information; it seems like the “information Industry” should be booming, its conferences should be huge, and the attendance incredible, but that is not the case. Why? If the information industry and our little taxonomy segment of the business has gone mainstream, then where are all the people you would expect at the long established industry meetings?

Findablity Can Be Fixed

By |January 9th, 2012|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Findablity Can Be Fixed

A recent survey revealed two-thirds of organizations cannot access their information assets or find vital enterprise documents because of poor information classification or 'tagging'. Having difficulty accessing your information or in short, with findability, is a fixable problem.

Taxonomies Power Resources

By |January 5th, 2012|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomies Power Resources

There are several reliable tools and websites that help government buyers find what they need in regards to information, products and services. What these resources have in common is the ability to search and find. They are more than search engines and platforms. They are sourced by strong taxonomies that uses semantic technology to make information findable.