
Search as Big Brother, Molding What You See and Think

A recent TED presentation is by Eli Pariser. He is the author of “The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You.” A new and very interesting book. His talk is a synopsis of how the Google personalization algorithms effect search results. Google results are influenced by your own search history and other online activity. Any system such as Amazon, Yahoo, Bing ebay shopping systems depend heavily on personalization to serve you results. Traditional databases do not use profiles (yet) but they are often based on Verity, Vivisimo, Autonomy, Fast and other mathematically based search software so they could and they do serve up different results whenever the vectors are reset - that is every time additional data is added to the system with updates or metadata enrichment.

Taxonomy Used to Diagnose

By |May 30th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Taxonomy Used to Diagnose

The American Society of Hypertension, Inc. (ASH) and the ASH Specialist Program Inc. has announced the approval of an official health care taxonomy code for Designated Specialists in Clinical Hypertension from the American Medical Association National Uniform Claims Committee.

Standards and Taxonomies – Match Made in Heaven

By |May 27th, 2011|News, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Standards and Taxonomies – Match Made in Heaven

Manually wading through unstructured, textual data archives to find documents to answer questions can be slow and expensive. New SAS Industry Taxonomy Rules starter kits recently announced by SAS, improve the time to value from the automatic classification of unstructured, textual data and from text analytics efforts as a whole.

Adventures of a TaxoTourist

By |May 23rd, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Taxonomy, Term lists|Comments Off on Adventures of a TaxoTourist

The trip was awesome—a dream exotic vacation to Bali. It was not about eat, pray, love, but a rather unbalanced midpoint to meet my Oz-dwelling daughter. I enjoyed dashes of ecotourism and agritourism, but even in full vacation mode I couldn’t fully suppress my perspective as a taxonomist.

Flickr as a Folksonomy

By |May 17th, 2011|Folksonomy, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Flickr as a Folksonomy

Remember when you took film to be developed and then shared your packets of memories with friends? It seems so nostalgic, but this routine was occurring only a few years ago. Then came the age of digital photos which led to online photo sites, of which Flickr was born.

Xplana Selects Access Innovations for Semantic Enhancement, a digital content and social learning education platform, has selected Access Innovations as its semantics partner for the next release of its Xplana learning platform, to be launched in August 2011.

The Accidental Taxonomist Now Available on Kindle

By |May 16th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on The Accidental Taxonomist Now Available on Kindle

We have talked about the evolution of the e-book, e-readers and digital content. We have often referred to Heather Hedden’s contribution to the world of taxonomy and specifically her book, The Accidental Taxonimist. Now we can talk about both in the same article.

IEEE Seeking Findability

By |May 13th, 2011|Autoindexing, indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on IEEE Seeking Findability

We reported on IEEE’s collaboration with Access Innovations awhile back, but couldn’t help pointing out an interview they did explaining their project that actually began in 2006.