
Using Taxonomies to Create Business Opportunities

By |January 17th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Using Taxonomies to Create Business Opportunities

The economics of the Web have reversed the original business model for online information upon which businesses like LexisNexis and Dialog were built. Through those services, users paid up to $4 for individual articles from daily newspapers that originally cost 25 cents on the newsstand. That model is obviously dead today, where the cost of an individual article – even articles from leading trade magazines and scholarly journals – is effectively zero. Does that mean that publishers, aggregators, and other content owners should police the Web to insure their content is not freely distributed? Not at all – one needs only look at the recent case of Wikileaks to see that it will be impossible to keep any content from showing up freely on the Web. As they say, the Genie is already out of the bottle, so the only logical step is figuring out how to make money in the current environment. This is where taxonomies can add value – by enabling the creation of new information products that connect disparate pieces of content with high-value applications and new markets.

The Defense Department Is Shopping at the Mall

By |January 13th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on The Defense Department Is Shopping at the Mall

The Defense Acquisition University has launched the Service Acquisition Mall (SAM) as a resource for acquisition professionals to collaborate and share best practices in the acquisition arena.

New Document Management Product Integrates Business Processes Into Machines

By |January 13th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Document Management Product Integrates Business Processes Into Machines

Webiplex has released the DocuPeak Connector for Sharp OSA-enabled MFPs. The DocuPeak Connector allows for the scanning and indexing of documents right from the Sharp OSA-enabled MFP panel, and sent directly to a DocuPeak application portal.

New Website Reaching Out to Readers

By |January 11th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Website Reaching Out to Readers

F+W Media have partnered to create a new online venture,, which pairs F+W’s content and eCommerce engine with the platform.

Dragon View 5.1 Released

By |January 7th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Dragon View 5.1 Released

Rivet Software has released Dragon View 5.1, an upgraded version of software that simplifies the review and analysis of documents created in eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) format, the standard required for financial filings submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

KM Award Winners Announced

By |January 3rd, 2011|News, semantic, Taxonomy|Comments Off on KM Award Winners Announced

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards were announced in November at the 2010 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C.

10 Reasons To Resolve To Create A Taxonomy For Your Business In 2011

Just in time for New Year’s, we have compiled a list of 10 reasons for companies to resolve to create a taxonomy for their business in 2011. Because many businesses are unsure about how a taxonomy could benefit them, we believe offering some actual examples will be useful.