Cost Reduction Options for Hospitals
Many are concerned about the cost of healthcare, patients and hospitals alike. Cuts in Medicare funding, increases in insurance premiums, and new federal requirements […]
Many are concerned about the cost of healthcare, patients and hospitals alike. Cuts in Medicare funding, increases in insurance premiums, and new federal requirements […]
IT management and healthcare professionals across the country are ramping up projects to create their ICD-10 plan as the December 13, 2013 deadline date nears. Everyone is facing common challenges of budget, bandwidth, staffing, training and of course, technical issues.
With the volume of data doubling every four to six months, findability within that data has never been more important. Many are looking to indexing as the solution to this problem.
The federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ran a study examining ways to interpret data on electronic medical records to best address patient safety concerns. A developed a set of 20 measures, known as patient safety indicators, use administrative data to screen for potentially adverse events that occur during hospitalization.
Apache Lucene 4.0 has been released and is garnering quite a bit of chatter, especially with the impending ApacheCon 2011. So what are the new features and more importantly, what does it mean to users?
We are experiencing an explosive growth for search engines, both open source or commercial, indexing unstructured and structured data. Distributed infrastructures for enterprise search and indexing are common, but what about the small businesses?
Elsevier has introduced Genome Viewer, a new interactive feature on SciVerse ScienceDirect that displays detailed gene or genomic sequence information for applicable life sciences journals.
Healthline Networks is one of the fastest growing providers of intelligent health information services and their president and COO, Dean Stephens, will moderate an mHealth panel at the first HealthTech: Next Generation Conference on August 12. The event takes place at the Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront Hotel in Burlingame.
Knowledge is power, that is no secret. In the legal services world, nothing could be truer. According to Ted Tjaden, national director of knowledge management at McMillan LLP and author of “The Seven Faces of Legal Knowledge Management”, there is a method to knowing what to know and why.