
Can Software Replace PR Professionals?

By |December 16th, 2010|News, semantic, Technology|Comments Off on Can Software Replace PR Professionals?

Like every other industry out there, the cost of human service is the most expensive column on the balance sheet. This makes it the one constantly targeted for automation to ultimately reduce cost and increase efficiency.

Changes in the PR Industry

By |December 15th, 2010|News, Technology|Comments Off on Changes in the PR Industry

With the start of 2011 almost here, how will technology change the PR industry in the coming years? With a growing emphasis on specialized skill sets, the industry is becoming commoditized. Agencies are looking for specialists who bring access to a ready-made network of relevant contacts.

Synthesys v3.0 Released

By |December 13th, 2010|News, ontology, Taxonomy|2 Comments

Digital Reasoning Systems Inc. released their flagship solution for cloud-scale analytics in government and commercial markets - Synthesys v3.0.

Cross Language Retrieval – English / Russian / French

By |December 8th, 2010|Access Insights, Autoindexing, indexing, reference|Comments Off on Cross Language Retrieval – English / Russian / French

Marjorie M.K. Hlava, President, Access Innovations, Inc.
Dr. Gerold Belonogov, Professor and Head of Department, VINITI, Moscow, Russia
Dr. Boris Kuznetsov, Head of Department, VINITI, Moscow, […]

Howlers: New Automation and Human Models Challenge Traditional Indexing

By |December 8th, 2010|Access Insights, Autoindexing, indexing, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Howlers: New Automation and Human Models Challenge Traditional Indexing

by John Blossom
reprinted from

The National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS) is an interesting collection of institutions and publishers joining to tackle […]

The Search for Machine-Aided Indexing: Why a Rule-Based System is the Cost-Effective Choice

by Larry Compton

Executive summary
Data Harmony is one of several companies that offer machine-aided indexing software solutions to indexing and categorizing unstructured data. Data Harmony’s […]