
Semantic Search Provides Results

By |January 1st, 2013|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Semantic Search Provides Results

Getting search results that include more advertisements than results can be very aggravating. This is only getting worse as semantic search continues to evolve. The search engine takes into consideration other robust content they discern we are interested in and include it in the results.

Increasing Specificity

By |December 28th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Increasing Specificity

Digilant has released their marketing system designed to pinpoint specific audiences. Diligant Multicultural uses semantic language and geographic information to match a preferred audience in a variety of advertising placements.

Combination Semantics

By |December 19th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Combination Semantics

Webnodes, which offer a .NET-based Web CMS platform, recently released version four of its semantic based CMS. Now the system ships with Mailgun and SendGrid email providers and a new video provider setup.

Support the Financial Way

By |December 14th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Support the Financial Way

Ginger Software has received extended funding for its language recognition software that is designed to help users master English as a second language.

New Release Improves Findability

By |December 13th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on New Release Improves Findability

Smartlogic has announced the SharePoint version of its Content Intelligence solution, Semaphore. The new Semaphore for SharePoint 2013 augments SharePoint 2013 to improve the search experience and standardize metadata cross the enterprise. The new Semaphore version also supports Microsoft’s Office 365, which adds equivalent functionality to the cloud-based solution.

Search and Semantics

By |November 30th, 2012|News, search, semantic|Comments Off on Search and Semantics

Search engine optimization is a constant challenge for marketers, and that may have gotten easier or more difficult with semantic technology. The users can go either way on that one.

SharePoint 2013 Presents New Features

By |November 22nd, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on SharePoint 2013 Presents New Features

With the SharePoint 2013 public beta released, WAND DataFacet Automatic Tagging Engine is on target to provide advanced tagging capabilities to SharePoint 2013.

Free Semantic Search Workshop

By |November 19th, 2012|News, search, semantic|1 Comment

If you are interested in learning more about semantic search and how it can improve your work, here is an opportunity for a free workshop to do just that. This workshop is brought to you in a joint effort by NKOS (Networked Knowledge Organization Systems) and CENDI, an interagency working group of senior scientific and technical information managers from 13 U.S. federal agencies.

Watson is Going to School

By |November 15th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Watson is Going to School

The supercomputer named Watson was a big hit last year when it became famous for beating two Jeopardy! champions. By using its IBM natural language processor, it perused its vast reams of knowledge to respond the oral questions. Now, Watson will help medical students at Cleveland Clinic analyze medical problems and develop evidence-based solutions. By using its base of medical knowledge, it will be a valuable partner to medical students. In return, students will help improve Watson's language and domain analysis capabilities. So medical students and Watson will benefit from each other's strengths and expertise.

Predictive Video Analysis with Semantic Technology

By |November 14th, 2012|News, semantic|Comments Off on Predictive Video Analysis with Semantic Technology

Researchers have developed a video surveillance system that intends to use artificial intellgience to reason about human activity. This project was funded by the US Army and is keyed to flag abnormal behaviour.