
The Standards of Watson

By now, IBM’s Jeopardy! champion Watson is old news. But the computer technology triumph, capable of understanding human language and broad knowledge topics, may have more to teach us.

Not True!

By |May 9th, 2011|Access Insights, Featured, Folksonomy, search, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Not True!

The Autonomy folks must be getting worried about the progress of taxonomy applications and the precision and recall that such systems provide. Autonomy and Google live on relevance rankings as the return to the user. Relevance to me is a confidence game. It is the best guess of the system as to whether the results returned will actually match the user's request. If you have a big enough data set returned, certainly something in there will be useful. But the sheer amount of items the user has to review (or amount of noise they have to look at) is very annoying. So they rank the returns by relevance based on a number of statistical factors so the most likely items based on co-occurrence with terms matches and near matches will appear at the top of the list - that is, they will be relevance ranked.

TaxoBank Adds Pasta Lover’s Thesaurus

By |May 6th, 2011|Access Insights, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on TaxoBank Adds Pasta Lover’s Thesaurus

The first new Taxobank entry in quite some time is the Pasta Lover's Thesaurus, apparently a student project but nevertheless an informative and mouth-watering example of a straightforward hierarchical and relational thesaurus.

DataFacet for SharePoint Released

By |May 6th, 2011|News, Standards, Taxonomy|Comments Off on DataFacet for SharePoint Released

WAND has announced the release of DataFacet for Microsoft SharePoint 2010. DataFacet combines an available library of hundreds of pre-built taxonomies with a software add-on […]

AIP Chooses Really Strategies Product

By |May 5th, 2011|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on AIP Chooses Really Strategies Product

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) has chosen RSuite as their content management system. Prior to RSuite, AIP did not have a content management system and managed its vast amount of content via a combination of home-grown applications and file systems.

SAE Digital Library Gets Redesign

By |May 4th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|1 Comment

SAE International has announced a complete redesign of its Digital Library, the comprehensive technical paper and standards solution used by automobile and aerospace engineers.

Lucid Imagination Joins the SharePoint Crowd

By |April 27th, 2011|News, search, Taxonomy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Lucid Imagination Joins the SharePoint Crowd

In a familiar story, we learned that Lucid Imagination released an update to their LucidWorks Enterprise product this week that includes a way of connecting the search tool directly to SharePoint repositories.

Parts Locator Goes High Tech

By |April 27th, 2011|News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Parts Locator Goes High Tech

A new website has been launched to assist drivers, dealers, and repair shops to locate parts. Seems like an easy task, but with, products from more than 800 manufacturers and OEMs are available.

Location Development Tackles Huge Hurdles

By |April 15th, 2011|News, semantic, Taxonomy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Location Development Tackles Huge Hurdles

Fwix founder speaks about the challenges they have faced in location development and their solutions.

Access Innovations Announces Integration of Data Harmony® With Microsoft® SharePoint 2010

By |April 14th, 2011|Access Insights, Autoindexing, Business strategy, indexing, News, semantic, Standards, Taxonomy, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Access Innovations Announces Integration of Data Harmony® With Microsoft® SharePoint 2010

Access Innovations, a leader in the data and content management industry, has announced that its Data Harmony suite of content enrichment and thesaurus management tools can now be fully integrated with Microsoft SharePoint 2010. Data Harmony fills semantic gaps in SharePoint to help users take full advantage of their metadata through auto classification, enterprise taxonomy management, entity extraction, and search enhancements. The end result is information assets that are more searchable and more accessible.