
From Paper to Digital – Some Government Agencies Aren’t There Yet

By |March 28th, 2011|indexing, News|Comments Off on From Paper to Digital – Some Government Agencies Aren’t There Yet

ZL Technologies presented at the Digital Government Institute (DGI) E-Discovery, Records & Information Management Conference in D.C. recently. Their experience in archiving, E-Discovery, and records management software brings them to talk about the failure of government agencies to adopt a compliant electronic recordkeeping system.

Filing Your Email Seamlessly

By |March 14th, 2011|News, Technology|Comments Off on Filing Your Email Seamlessly

Scinaptic has launched Release 5 of its OnePlaceMail solution, an advanced Microsoft Office/Outlook to SharePoint solution.

New South Wales Digitizing Archives

By |March 9th, 2011|News, Standards|Comments Off on New South Wales Digitizing Archives

The State Records Authority of New South Wales (NSW) is beginning a project to implement a digital archiving facility that would improve digital record keeping across the Government.

Small Town Newspaper Digitizes Archives

By |December 21st, 2010|indexing, News|Comments Off on Small Town Newspaper Digitizes Archives

More than 100 years of Gaylord Herald Times archives and history became available online courtesy of the Otsego County Library and the local newspaper. This Northern Michigan event was celebrated by both the local library and newspaper.

Shaking the Image of Dusty Archives

By |September 24th, 2010|indexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Shaking the Image of Dusty Archives

10-year project, Charting Change: An Interactive Atlas of Burnaby's Heritage, tied with a Smithsonian Institute project last month for ArchivesNext's award for best repurposing of digitized data. The online project allows visitors to Heritage Burnaby's website to click on and learn about historic locations on each of the maps.

New Partnership Creates Digital Data Storage Dream Team

By |July 1st, 2010|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on New Partnership Creates Digital Data Storage Dream Team

New partnership provides a cost effective solution for companies that have to comply with regulatory mandates regarding digital archiving.

Corporate Librarian: Not a Dying Art After All

By |June 30th, 2010|Autoindexing, News, Taxonomy|Comments Off on Corporate Librarian: Not a Dying Art After All

Corporate Librarian job posting brings faith that the fine art of indexing and archiving is not dead.